Episodes | Chip Chatter & Chill

This show is adult recess for fun-loving foodies to connect through exchanging millennial perspectives on common sociological experiences. Every Thursday, there's a Munch & Learn over 'apps & drinks' discussing millennial interests, career ventures, mental & physical wellness, love and more. The vibe is followed up with happy hour games and comedic pop-culture segments. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to enjoy the accompanying video episodes and behind the scenes content!
Grab your munchie favorites, bring a friend and catch the vibe!
The conversation in the car on the way home after the party, or in the group chat after a major announcement, or the pep talk and ice breaker you need to take the edge off on the way into a meeting, first date, or important event- take a listen here!
Great talks, laughs, happy hour, exclusive games and connections!